January Reading And A Bit Of Serendipity


Our Fuller’s Bookshop Book for February is The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker. It is a retelling of the Iliad from the point of view of a woman. Our group meets the first Thursday night of February so I will write more about it after we have discussed it.

I recently finished The Arsonist by Chloe Harper. Our group will discuss this book the first week of March. Chloe Harper is an Australian writer who writes about the Black Friday bushfires in Victoria that happened several years ago. Again I will wait until after the group meets to write about it.

I am currently reading our April book, The Everlasting Sunday by Robert Lukins about boys living in a boarding school in England in 1962. I’m not that far into it yet but I feel it might become quite ominous. More on that later.


In the meantime, I can talk about the recently read The Shepherd’s Hut by Australian writer Tim Winton. I imagine most people who live in Australia who read this blog have read it. I will say I loved it very much and couldn’t put it down. It was a slowly drawn  story of a young man who lives in Western Australia. He had a very abusive father who had abused him for years and it became worse once his mother died of cancer. He often wished his father dead and when he does die in an accident while working on his car in a shed, the boy fears he may be blamed and heads off into the bush and desert of Western Australia.

In my opinion nobody writes about Western Australia better than Tim Winton. You feel the heat, the dust, the young man’s hunger. He comes across an elderly man living in a shack in the desert in the middle of nowhere and the story continues with the development of their relationship, the life and trials that happen upon them.


My only criticism of the book, which some don’t agree with is I thought Tim Winton wrapped up the ending too quickly. This is a drawn out story that seemed to follow a certain, consistent pace throughout. Then suddenly the end is upon the reader and it seemed to quickly finish. I can’t say more than that as I don’t want to spoil the ending for anyone. I will leave it at that for now. I did really enjoy this book though.

The serendipity I refer to is regarding a page I have put in my 2019 journal. I read a lot of book reviews. I get them from my bookshop, other blogger’s posts, the newspaper, everywhere.

I also receive publishers newsletters and magazines and often see older books referred to at times. I often exclaim to myself, “My gosh I have that book on my shelf!” and think I should get it off the shelf and read it so I can then pass it on. So for 2019 as I read reviews and notice books that are named by other bloggers, I will get that book off my shelf and place in a pile to finally have a serious look at it. If I’m not going to read it then maybe it is time to pass it along.


So far on my journal’s Serendipity page, as I call it, I have Persuasion by Jane Austen. It is one of her books I have seen the film for but never read. So onto the pile it goes and I might finally get to it. As it is early in the year I don’t have any other books listed but I do have books by a couple of authors that have been in the winds of 2019.

I read a blurb in the Weekend Australian just before New Year’s Eve written by Mandy Sayers about her favourite books for 2018. I have a book on the shelf by her so I may grab that one. I have several books on the shelf by Helen Garner unread and I know I must read them. I hear so much about Helen Garner especially from Australian bloggers I follow. So onto the pile they need to go. I can’t think about their latest books while I still have their previous books on the shelf.snip20190124_6

February will have me listening to audible books, mainly in the car. I’m currently listening to Fierce Attachments by Vivian Gornick who is a New York City writer I love. I heard her speak at the Sydney Writer’s festival a few years ago and enjoyed her very much. Most of her books are memoirs of her life growing up in a tenement building of 20 apartments in the Bronx. Some of her books are of her life later in life. She is close to me in age so has lived quite a bit of life.

I love tales that take place in Brooklyn or the Bronx especially in the 1950s and 60s. She deals with a very exasperating mother which I find interesting and I feel as though I am on the streets of New York with her, trying to figure out life. Fierce Attachments has most of the book taking place in her first 25 years. They live in an apartment building that has 20 apartments in it and the interaction between the neighbours and families really draw me in. I love the New York Jewish phrases and sometimes hysteria as many of the women deal with their husbands and children.snip20190124_4

February is going to be a very busy month for us but I’ll write more about that in a couple of days. I’m trying to finish off books in January because I’m not sure I’ll get a lot of reading completed in February.

More on that later. Until then, I leave you…


13 thoughts on “January Reading And A Bit Of Serendipity

  1. Wow! Several of the books you talked about sound good to me and I’ve added them to my TBR. Now if I could just get out of this reading slump and pick up a book again. Sigh…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok now I get it. Thank u! I need to do that in my journal because often I’m like “Dang…where did I hear about this book and why did I want to read it? Goodreads should let u enter a blurb like that when u Mark a book TBR. Or maybe they do and I haven’t learned about it yet.


    1. I know, reading slumps are a nuisance. What I do when I’m in one is sit down, get a nice drink or snack (chocolate) and have a book that really appeals or an older book I love and tell myself I’m going to read for 30 mi utes. By the time I’m 20 minutes in my mood has shifted out of the dumps to feeling good again about it. The secret is to have a book you think you’ll love and either a hot chocolate, a cozy throw and the lovely book. Good luck. Let me know how you go.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will try your advice!!!! I definitely think my stress is a factor so getting in a bookish mood with a hot chocolate and a snack would help set a mood. Instead of squeezing reading in to my busy day I need to make it an (fun) event of its own!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. i don’t know if you’ve ever read Robert Graves? he wrote “homer’s daughter” about the writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey being a lady… i think he got the idea from Butler’s “The Authoress of the Iliad”…


  3. If it’s as hot in Tassie as it is in Melbourne today, I bet you are enjoying reading The Everlasting Sunday – I still shiver when I think of those passages about the long cold snap and the snow!


    1. I know. I love books with snow. Reminds me of my childhood growing up in Michigan for the first 20 years. More snow than you’d ever want to see in a lifetime. Tomorrow is going to be a killer for both of us. Stay cool.


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