Merry Christmas 2016


It is hard to believe another Christmas is upon us. The food is packed for a picnic. The weather forecast has been checked.

The dogs are in their harnesses and we’re ready for a family day at the beach. Mr. P, myself, Odie and Molly.

It was quite a year around the world. Much tragedy in the world. We will think of more peaceful days ahead. May our world leaders make considered decisions.

May more people find shelter in the world. May people find that simplicity brings as many riches as wealth. Let 2017 be the year we look for kindness and simplicity.  The wagging tail and smiling eyes of our dogs. The softness of a child’s hair or the happiness of a purring cat.   Going out for coffee or a movie with a friend.

Package up the greed for what you want but cannot afford. Put it on a top shelf and take a walk. Smile at people you meet. Enter a coffee shop or a food court and sit next to the elderly person who sits alone and chat to them. (one of my favourite things). Don’t be shy. Hold a door for someone. Give up your seat on the bus. Have patience with a family member even when they do something that drives you nuts. Don’t yell unless you’re at a sporting event. Get out of your comfort zone once in awhile.

If someone around you gets grumpy start to laugh and tell them it isn’t so bad. Shake your head. Defuse. Walk away. Check in on troubled friends. Ask “Are you  okay”.

Spend time with books if the weather is bad or you don’t have the cash for a movie or a trip. Make that second cup of tea and coffee. Wrap that fuzzy polar fleece around you. Bring your pets in from outside if it is cold. A bit of fur on the floor won’t hurt anything.

Enjoy nature if it is only a dandelion with an ant on it on the nature strip. Look up when you walk. Notice what is around you. Don’t avert your eyes as you encounter others on the street.

snip20161217_4Remember, we never really know another’s story. Everyone has one. Coax it from them if you can. Pay for another’s cup of coffee. Let someone cut in front of you  in the grocery line if they have fewer items than you do.Help someone with their bags.
I think the main resolution for 2017 isn’t to read more books, lose weight or keep the house tidy (though that is nice). I will carry two words with me next year and hopefully for every year after that.

Be Kind.

(even if you have to go out of your way or wait a few minutes to do so. Look for opportunities)

Pollyanna Penguin? snip20161217_5









10 thoughts on “Merry Christmas 2016

  1. A lovely post. I really hope I will be able to live accordingly for 2017. Be kind is such a nice way to put it! I am thinking of a lot of new things to do for the next year. Setting up goals, long and short term, and try to achieve something, rather than just move along the current! Looking forward following you in 2017.


  2. What a wonderful post!
    I want to live in your world! One of my favorite things is to smile at people. It costs nothing, it’s good exercise for face muscles, and when they smile back, I feel terrific.
    Here’s hoping that we can make 2017 a very good year.


  3. many thanks for the wise words; would that we all could see the world as it is: a simple blue globe circling a small sun… Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!


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