Have had it with blogger…

Blogger destroyed parts of my Travellin’ Penguin blogspot web page while I was travelling. It is getting to hard to sign in to and the aggravation has told me it is time to make a switch. WordPress is a bit confusing so this newer Travellin’ Penguin website will be a work in progress but my goal is to have everything up and running by the beginning of 2017.

I am a believer of change and am often motivated by it so hang in there if you are friends of the penguin and enjoy the journey though it could be rough for a couple of days.


10 thoughts on “Have had it with blogger…

  1. Yay, welcome to WP! I am so pleased because I love to chat on litblogs and my comments on Blogger blogs would disappear so often, in the end I would give up. WP is a better platform in every way and you will feel comfortable with it in no time.
    Now I’m off to add your beaut new site to my blogroll…


  2. If you’re on wordpress.com rather than being self-hosted, then I have a good few posts on my professional blog about making it all work. Look for libroediting.com and then search WordPress. Let me know if there are extras you’d like me to write about / explain! And good luck adjusting to your new home.


  3. i guess this is the way to make the comments gizmo work; i’ve tried several times but without success; required a little advance help from ms. m….


    1. I am glad you found your way. Always nice to hear from you. Once you post a comment it does not go up until I have reviewed it to ensure it is not spam. Then I let it pass through the gate (so to speak).

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Welcome to the other side – I hope that you and the Penguin will be very happy in your new home! I’m sorry that you’ve lost some of your history but delighted that it will be easier to keep an eye on you and converse.


  5. Congratulations on making the move, Pam. I’ve been considering it too but just having had the time. I feel my blog needs a fresh look & more reliable stats would be a wonderful thing. I’ll look forward to seeing your new blog take shape.


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